Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee   7th September 2021

Report: Public Health Community Nursing Contract

Appendix 2      PHCN Contract Performance


1.    Key Performance Indicators


Indicator                                                                                                                   Performance

Target            Actual @ Q4

20/21                       19/20                       

Key performance indicator

·         Percentage of children receiving a new birth visit                                                    90%                 95.8%       89.1%

by 14 days


·         Prevalence of breast feeding at 6-8 weeks from birth                                          70%              71.9%       71.2%


·         Percentage of children receiving 2 yr development review                                    70%                 80.9%       82.9%

by 2.5 yrs


Healthy Futures Team

This team provides 0-19 Specialist Public Health Nursing Service (health visiting and school nursing) to improve health outcomes and reduce inequalities for families facing disadvantage in Brighton & Hove and as such supports some of our most vulnerable parents and children.


The team has increased across the last two years to quarter 4 of 2021:

·         The percentage of families receiving a new baby face to face review by 14 days with a HV from the Healthy Futures Team

·         The percentage of families receiving a 6-8 week face to face review with a Health Visitor from the Healthy Futures Team

·         The percentage of families receiving a 1 year developmental review with a member of the Healthy Futures Team

·         The percentage of families receiving a 2 year developmental review with a member of the Healthy Futures Team